Your Vote Is Your Voice.
In every election your vote is so important and in this election in particular it is critical to exercise your Constitutional right to vote. While there are obstacles to your vote this year, by creating a plan you can make sure your voice is heard at the ballot box.
Mail-in ballots will start being mailed on October 2nd and can be returned as soon as they are received.
Election Day is November 3rd and with the incredible work of our City Clerk and Registrar of Voters in-person voting will be as safe as possible.
Don’t wait. Make a plan.
A word from Milford’s Registrar of Voters, Kerri Rowland.
We have worked very hard to make in person voting safe for voters and poll workers. Some examples include, wearing masks, and have other PPE’s available like shields, gloves, hand sanitizer and wipes. We also provided enough privacy folders and pencils for a single use by each voter.
We have also worked to eliminate all hand to hand contact between voters and poll workers. Voters hold there ID at arms length to make it visible to the checker while they announce their address and name. We keep ballot clerks 6 feet apart and they leave a ballot, privacy folder and pen on the table for a voter to take from the table rather from the hand of a ballot clerk. We make sure the tabulator tender is now at least 6 feet from the tabulator and we have provided receptacles for collecting privacy folders and pens, so they can be disinfected and reused at future elections. If there are lines we hope to utilize hallways to keep people 6 feet apart and to limit the number of people in the polling location at one time, and we are also increasing space between each voting booth.
In terms of concerns about the post office, it is so important that all voters take a proactive approach to this election. There are several ways for voters to help. They need to make sure their voter registration information is up to date, name and address changes should be done now, and they can do that online at
Once the voter confirms their registration is updated they should apply now with their local city clerk for an absentee ballot. Getting the mail in application early, allows the clerks to process the applications, and the ballot will be mailed as soon as it becomes available on Oct 2nd. Once the voter receives their ballot they should vote it and follow ALL the instructions for returning it. They can eliminate the post office by dropping their ballot in the secure drop boxes located in front of City Hall or in the back of Parsons Govt. Center.
So many people wait until the last week or days to begin this process and it makes a lot of work in a very short period of time. The sooner the better for everyone. I can promise the the City Clerk’s staff and the Registrars of voters staff want to accurately count your ballot, so please know that no matter how a person chooses to cast their vote we will be working together to make sure all votes are counted and people are safe voting and working at the polls.
Thank you,